Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Fellowship Memphis  Prerequisites of Servanthood   
 2. Pastor Dan Skogen  Prerequisites to be Used by God   
 3. Wes Trochlil  BI Prerequisites  Wes Trochlil's Album 
 4. Pastor Dan Skogen  Prerequisites to be Used by God in Joseph   
 5. Joe Springer 11.21.00  Servanthood  Thy Kingdom Come: Attitudes 
 6. Angela Costello  Our Mission 2: Servanthood  thebridge 
 7. Fergus Buchanan  Power and Servanthood   
 8. Greg Taylor  Servanthood: part 2 - Sons & Servants  House of Praise, Australia 
 9. Abundant Life Church of God  Servanthood: Communion & Foot Washing  Sermons 
 10. Greg Taylor  Servanthood: part 1 - Sheep and Goats  House of Praise, Australia 
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